Events Gallery
There is always plenty going on at our school, such as day trips, visitors who come to school to entertain or work with the children, and other special occasions during the year. On this page you can look back on some of our special events, and share the memories with us.
World Religion Day
We celebrated World Religion Day in school and some of our Year 6 pupils led a Worship telling us all about it. We focussed on respecting other religions, and reflecting on their universal message. That is, we should all treat each other with respect and...
Our Journey through Advent
As a school we have journeyed through advent together. During every Worship in December we have lit a candle on the Advent Wreath. A new liturgical year begins on the first Sunday of Advent and it beckons to us with images of transformation and hope. It is the season...
Dance Club Performance
Our Dance Club members have worked hard to prepare for the Black Country Dance Festival. As this event was postponed, we took the opportunity to showcase our work to an invited audience of parents. The routines were amazing, well done to all involved.
Christmas Jumper Day
We had a silver coin collection in school for Christmas Jumper day to raise funds towards the Save the Children Charity. We were delighted with the effort that everyone made and thank you to all who contributed.
We had a fabulous cast of Kings, camels and innkeepers in our Nativity this year. The traditional retelling of the birth of Jesus was enjoyed by all. We were treated to some great dancing and singing as our children took us through their version of Christmas story...
We held our Christingle Service via TEAMS this year. Each class joined in as we celebrated together and we decorated oranges. The orange represents the world The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ The sweets and dried fruit represent all of...
Children in Need
We raised funds towards the Children in Need Charity with a non unifrom day and a cake sale. Thank you all for your support. Don't you think we look pretty good in our bright and spotty clothes?
Remembrance Worship
Year 6 led our whole school Remembrance worship. They shared their learning following their trip to the National War Arboretum in Staffordshire, and lead a reflection activity as we considered why we remember those that have been affected by war.
A Visit to the Opera
We had a fantastic opportunity to go to the Birmingham Hippodrome, to enjoy a concert by the Welsh National Opera. The full WNO Orchestra and Chorus singers guided us through a selection of popular favourites from the world of opera, film and TV. It was a perfect way...
Year 3’s Ancient Greek Day
On Monday 18th October Year 3 ended their topic 'Gods and Mortals' with an Ancient Greek Day. The children came dressed as their favourite Greek Gods, Goddesses and Spartan warriors. They took part in an Ancient Greek Olympic games, made their own Olympic medals from...